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An auditorium is always an additional attribute of an institution. The SVDD auditorium, Smt. Zaverben Popatlal Sabhagriha is not just an additional attribute, but it’s an asset to our institution. It is a world class auditorium, professionally equipped to meet all the requirements of every event. Every cultural programme at SVDD is presented on this highly sophisticated professional platform. This serves as a boon to the growing learners as it facilitates the all- round development of the students. It is an additional benefit as the students get a purely professional exposure through this auditorium.

Smt. Zaverben Popatlal Sabhagriha serves as a silver lining in the traditional and cultural growth of the students. The students at SVDD are indeed blessed to be bestowed with this auditorium.

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Apart from the classic auditorium, SVDD also has a plush multipurpose hall with a mini hall attached to it. This multipurpose hall is exclusively meant for facilitating comfortable learning in a spacious environment. The rich interior of the hall confers a luxurious and peaceful ambience and supports a pleasant learning atmosphere. Games, sports, activities; celebrations etc are all witnessed by this multipurpose hall. It’s also attached with a mini hall so as to accommodate maximum crowd comfortably within the space at the same time.

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Along with the splendid auditorium and a plush multipurpose air-conditioned hall, SVDDians are also blessed with two activity halls.These multi- utility activity halls favor an excellent learning environment. Medical checkup, cultural functions, indoor sports events etc. are conducted in these activity halls.

These affluent amenities have thus made the teaching learning process, student friendly.We are proud to be a part of such an exemplary infrastructure.

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SVDD has a common Quadrangle ground in between both the mediums. The area is around 3500 sq.ft. Variety of programmes such as assembly, flag hoisting, parade, cultural functions are held on this ground. Sports, physical training and major outdoor play activities are conducted on a daily basis on the ground. It is also used as a party plot.

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When eating is social, serving children with a variety and nutritious food every day is a trying situation for parents at home. But this problem has been taken care of by the school. SDDRST has provided with a spacious common canteen for all the sections of its institution.

Canteen ambience plays a pivotal role in the intellectual and physical development of students. SDDRST Canteen is a large area with a variety of refreshment served as per students’ taste. Food is served and cooked in the most hygienic conditions. It is the most popular place where students bond over food during their recess time.

Let’s be true to the adage – “Healthy mind in Healthy Body.”

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