Secondary School

Information Kiosk


Monday To Friday: 7.45 a.m. to 1.45 p.m.


Monday to Friday: 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon


Monday to Thursday: 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon (With Priority Appointment).



Shirt: Light Blue
Pant: Navy Blue




Blouse: Light Blue
Skirt: Navy Blue



Black Shoes, Light blue Socks with 2 Navy Blue Stripes (Horizontal)



‘T’ Shirt

House colour (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow) with Grey sleeves.



House colour with Grey Stripes




Black Canvas Shoes Grey Socks with 2 house coloured stripes (Horizonal) (Designed fancy Socks will not be allowed).

Hair: If girls hair reach their shoulder they must make two plaits. Only black ribbons, hairpins or hair bands are allowed. No fancy hairpins, clips or hair bands will be allowed. Boys hair cut on the sides should be above the ears and at the back side should be above the collar. Fancy haircuts are not allowed.

Jewellery: Jewellery and expensive wrist watches are not permitted and will be confiscated if worn with the school uniform.

Students uniforms should be neat, clean ironed every day and should be according to the norms of School.

Students are not allowed to wear any forms of ornaments or make-up like nailpolish, mehndi design etc. while attending the school.

Students should wear black all season shoes and socks throughout the year including the monsoon season.


Students must be present in school after holidays/vacation on the re-opening day of the school. They must also remain present in the school on the last working day of the school preceding the holidays/vacation.

A medical certificate has to be produced immediately in case of absence due to sickness.

A student should not remain absent from the school except in case of emergency. On the day on which student returns to school a note in the calendar must be produced from her/his parent/Guardian, stating the reason for the absence.

If the child is ill of some contagious disease the principal should be informed of the same by the Parent/Guardian. The child should not be sent to the school till she is free from any danger of carrying infection. This should be supported by the medical certificate to be produced at the time of return to the school.

Attendance at official school functions like Sports day, Independence Day, Republic Day etc. is compulsory.


  • Students must bring the calendar every day to school.
  • The school uniform must be worn every day. A student without proper uniform will be sent back.
  • Uniform worn should be neat and tidy.
  • Students should speak in English in the school.
  • Students should not wear jewellery or costly wrist watches.
  • Books, magazines, comics etc. should not be brought in the school. No article liable to a source of disturbance should be brought to school.
  • Any student coming late will not enter the class unless she brings note to the teacher from the principal.
  • Students must maintain silence in the school. They must maintain discipline when moving from one class to another.
  • They should move in a single file only.
  • No student will be excused from physical training, without a Doctor’s Certificate.
  • No collections will be made by the students unless permitted by the principal in advance.
  • Students are not allowed to give presents to the teachers.
  • Students should look after their books, clothes, pens, wrist watch, money etc. school does not accept any responsibility for loss of such things.
  • Students should be regular, courteous, well-behaved, disciplined and clean in their dress and habits.
  • A student is responsible to the school not only for her / his behaviour but also for her/her general behaviour outside. Every effort should be made by the students to keep up the good name of the school by her/his manners and deportment. Students should greet their teachers when they meet them.
  • During the absence of the teacher, the Monitor will be responsible for the order and discipline of the class.
  • It is forbidden to buy eatables from street vendors.
  • Students should be particularly careful not ’to throw any paper, seeds etc. anywhere in the school premises except in the dustbins provided for this purpose.
  • Students are allowed to apply Mehandi on religious occasions and marriage in the family with prior permission from the authority.
  • Applying hair colours is strictly not allowed.
  • Bringing Mobiles or any other electronic equipments to school is strictly not allowed. If found, it will be confiscated.